2024 07 25 insights 3 website

Absurdity in the asylum

This week, Stuff reported on a story that seemed so absurd, it caught our attention: the idea to fence a pool on a remote island, just meters away from the Pacific Ocean. On Motukawaiti Island, 3.5km off Northland’s coast, authorities have mandated that a small swimming pool be enclosed. Read more

Insights Newsletter
19 July, 2024
Media release emissions trading scheme

Media release: Government right to rely on the Emissions Trading Scheme

Wellington (Wednesday, 17 July 2024) - The New Zealand Initiative today welcomed the government’s intention, stated in the Draft Emissions Reduction Plan, to rely on the Emissions Trading Scheme to achieve the Zero Carbon Act’s goal of net zero emissions from 2050. But it also urged measures that would strengthen the ETS. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
17 July, 2024
FM website thumbnail

Media release: The New Zealand Initiative Warns Against Misguided Media Legislation

Wellington (Wednesday, 10 July 2024) - The New Zealand Initiative is urging the government to abandon the Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, warning that the proposed legislation could harm the very news organisations it aims to help. In a new research note, the Initiative argues that the bill, which would require large digital platforms to negotiate payment for news content with New Zealand media companies, is based on flawed premises and risks significant unintended consequences. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
10 July, 2024
2024 07 10 Driving Change website

Podcast: Driving Change: How road pricing can improve our roads

In this episode, Matthew discusses his new report with Oliver which is about road pricing in New Zealand. They explore the history of road pricing, international examples, and potential benefits such as reducing congestion and improving infrastructure planning. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Matthew Birchall
10 July, 2024

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