Annual Report 2023

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Roger Partridge
Annual Report
28 March, 2024

2023 was a great year for the Initiative. Have a look through our annual report to see what we achieved and what others are saying about what we do.

"Regardless of one’s own personal politics I believe the many New Zealand Initiative reports, and their education ones in particular, make some very pertinent and common-sense commentary that I believe if adopted into national education policy could make a difference. Their Save Our Schools report suggestions would make a valuable contribution to the national conversation about education, and this is something we certainly need to have!”

- Iain Taylor Principal, Manurewa Intermediate School

"I’ve appreciated the work the New Zealand Initiative has put into the public realm. They’re an essential and authoritative voice in the housing debate and making clear how our current policy settings are holding back Aotearoa from building the housing it needs."

- Ben McNulty Wellington City Councillor

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