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Dr Bryce Wilkinson

Senior Fellow

Bryce is a Senior Fellow at The New Zealand Initiative, and also the Director of the Wellington-based economic consultancy firm Capital Economics. Prior to setting this up in 1997 he was a Director of, and shareholder in, First NZ Capital. Before moving into investment banking in 1985, he worked in the New Zealand Treasury, reaching the position of Director. Bryce holds a PhD in economics from the University of Canterbury and was a Harkness Fellow at Harvard University. He is a Fellow of the Law and Economics Association of New Zealand.

Bryce is available for comment on fiscal issues, our poverty, inequality and welfare research. He also has a strong background in public policy analysis including monetary policy, capital markets research and microeconomic advisory work.

Phone: +64 4 499 0790


Recent Work

Budget Policy Statement 2024: A call for vigour in challenging times

The new Government’s Budget Policy Statement, released yesterday, reflects the daunting fiscal challenges inherited from the previous Labour-led Government’s tax-deficit-and-spend policies. We empathise with the current Government’s predicament, having to navigate the consequences of excessive spending, high inflation, and a recession. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Insights Newsletter
28 March, 2024

Podcast: New Zealand's fairy godmother

New Zealanders have been spending a lot more overseas than we have been earning overseas, yet our balance does not move in the same direction nearly as much. Oliver talks to Bryce about his latest research note "The mystery of the $52 billion gift: Does New Zealand have a fairy godmother?". Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Bryce Wilkinson
19 March, 2024
NIIP website thumbnail

Media Release: The Mystery of the $52 Billion Gift: Does New Zealand have a fairy godmother?

Wellington (Thursday, 14 March 2024) - A new research note by The New Zealand Initiative is questioning how New Zealand has managed to sustain its large and growing current account deficits with the rest of the world without seeing a corresponding deterioration in its net international investment position (NIIP). The research note, “The Mystery of the $52 Billion Gift: Does New Zealand have a fairy godmother?” highlights that while New Zealand has been spending more overseas than it earns, the country’s liabilities to the rest of the world have not increased nearly as much as one would expect. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
14 March, 2024
Research Note NIIP Final Cover with outline

The mystery of the $52 billion gift: Does New Zealand have a fairy godmother?

This research note questions how New Zealand has managed to sustain its large and growing current account deficits with the rest of the world without seeing a corresponding deterioration in its net international investment position (NIIP). It highlights that while New Zealand has been spending more overseas than it earns, the country’s liabilities to the rest of the world have not increased nearly as much as one would expect. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Research Note
14 March, 2024

Media Release: Government’s mini-budget fronts the serious challenges ahead

Wellington (Wednesday, 20 December 2023) - “Treasury’s updated fiscal and economic forecasts released today confirm that this government faces serious fiscal challenges”, said Dr Bryce Wilkinson, Senior Fellow at the New Zealand Initiative. “The Minister of Finance’s “mini-budget” statement shows she fully ‘gets it’.” “Taxpayers and the recipients of government spending cannot all expect to avoid the burden of those challenges”. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
20 December, 2023

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